[wxPython] Re: New Python book

Robin: May I have your permission to quote this on
www.chapters.indigo.ca (this being the only on-line bookstore in
Canada of which I know)? Thanks in any case. - Bill
"It is the time that you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."--St-Exupery


"Robin Dunn" <robin@alldunn.com> wrote:

I was browsing at Barnes & Noble today when I discovered a Python book
that I hadn't seen before, "Python 2.1 Bible" by Dave Brueck and
Stephen Tanner. So I did what I usually do to any new Python
book--drop everything (literally,) crack it open, and see what kind of
coverage they give to wxPython. I have to say I was very impressed by
this one. Instead of the typical page and a half they dedicated a
whole chapter to wxPython that has a very good introduction, several
examples with good explainations, and a good coverage of the basics of
using wxPython. Way to go guys!

If anybody is struggling with taking the first steps with wxPython I
would say that it is worth the price of the book just for this
chapter. Of course this chaper is just a tiny fraction of the book
that appears to be jam packed with many chapters on other areas of
Python and various extensions that are probably just as good. (But I
didn't read any of them while standing around B&N so I can't say for
sure...) If I hadn't already maxed out the Gift Certificate I went
there to spend I would have picked up a copy myself, but I'll just
have to wait a while...

Robin: May I have your permission to quote this on
www.chapters.indigo.ca (this being the only on-line bookstore in
Canada of which I know)?



Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!