Hello. I have a VB app that I desperately want to port to wxPython. It
the MS browser control and the media player control. Other than that, it does
pretty trivial stuff. I want to be able to ship an executable on a CD that
run with most PC configurations without user intervention. Is this feasible
under wxPython?
More details:
1) The VB program is about a thousand lines of code. All of VB's weaknesses
make it difficult to maintain, but the program does work, and I need to do some
research before porting it to wxPython.
2) My main concern about porting it to wxPython is making sure that there are no
show-stoppers. Based on the samples that come with wxPython, it seems like I
can embed the IE and WMP controls pretty easily, but are there any deployment
issues with making executables for a CD distribution? Any licensing issues?
3) I am relatively new to wxPython, but I am comfortable enough with it to make
nontrivial modifications to SuperDoodle. I am very eager to port this program
to wxPython, because I think I can turn a real clunky VB program into an elegant
Python program.
All suggestions are welcome.
From: Steve Howell <showell@zipcon.com>