[wxPython] re: buttons help

Hi again
Thanks for the reply Robin that answered that question.
Next question is that now when the button is selected a light grey line
appears on the left and bottom of the bitmap. I think it must have something
to do with the button background because if I change the background to blue
I get a blue 1 pixel line on the left and bottom. Is there a way to change
The next problem seems to be a bug in wxGenBitmapButton.
If I left click beside the wxGenBitmapButton and then move onto the
wxGenbitmapButton with the mouse button still down the SelectedBitmap is
shown and then if I move off the wxGenBitmapButton still with the left
button down and release (the mouse button) the wxGenBitmapButton stays in
the selected state.
The only way to de-select the button is to click on it.
The code for this is basically the ActiveXWrapper_IE.py demo with bitmap

I am using a wxGenBitmapButton and have 2 bitmaps one for selected and


for not selected.
I have set bezel width to 0 but I would also like to stop the bitmap



shifted slightly when I click on it.
That is all I want to happen when I click on the button is for the bitmap
to change.
Can I turn off this shifting of the bitmap when selected.

You can hack the code in lib/buttons.py.
In wxGenBitmapButton.DrawLabel set dx and dy to 0 instead of 1.
Robin Dunn