[wxPython] Question about wxDialog

Hi everybody !

The problem I have encountered regards the displaying of dialogue "Window
1". This dialogue can be run from "Menu/Window 1" (and it is working fine),
it can also be run from the option "Menu/Window 2". After clicking the
button "Run Window 1" the window is displayed but there is no access to it
(it can be neither moved nor switched off).
I have a lot of data to be loaded what lasts a long time and these data must
be displayed in several places of the programme. That's why I was thinking
about loading up these data just at the beginning of the programme and
display them in several places calling ShowModal() function on the
previously created dialogue. In the enclosed example Instance (win1) of
class xDialogue (representing the loading of data), Dialogue win1 is created
only in MainWindow class and is called in several different places. How can
the access to the window1 from the level of Menu/Window 2 be reached?

I will very much appreciate any helpful suggestions.


test.py (1.74 KB)


---------------------------------------------/# test.py
from wxPython.wx import *


class xApp(wxApp):
def OnInit(self):
  frame = MainWindow(NULL, "")
  return true

class MainWindow(wxFrame):
def __init__(self, parent, title= 'Test'):
  wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title,size = (800, 600))

  menu_program = wxMenu()
  menu_program.Append(1, "&WINDOW1","")
  menu_program.Append(2, "&WINDOW2","")
  menu_program.Append(3, "Exit")

  menuBar = wxMenuBar()
  menuBar.Append(menu_program,"< &Test >")


  global win1
  win1 = xDialog(self)


  EVT_MENU(self, 1, self.OnWindow1)
  EVT_MENU(self, 2, self.OnWindow2)
  EVT_MENU(self, 3,self.OnExit)

def OnWindow1(self,event):
  global win1
def OnWindow2(self,event):
  x = xDialog2(self)
def OnExit(self,event):
  global win1

class xDialog(wxDialog):
def __init__ (self,parent,id = -1 ,title="Window1",pos=(-1,-1)
,size=(400,200) ):
  #wxDialog.__init__(self,NULL,id,title,pos,size,style =
  wxDialog.__init__(self,parent,id,title,pos,size, )


def Display(self):

class xDialog2(wxDialog):
def __init__ (self,parent,id = -1 ,title="Window2",pos=(-1,-1)
,size=(600,400) ):
  button = wxButton(self, 10 , 'Run Window1')


def OnButton(self,event):
  global win1

The problem I have encountered regards the displaying of dialogue "Window
1". This dialogue can be run from "Menu/Window 1" (and it is working


it can also be run from the option "Menu/Window 2". After clicking the
button "Run Window 1" the window is displayed but there is no access to it
(it can be neither moved nor switched off).

Since window1 is global and already exists when window2 is shown modally
then it is disabled like any other window in the app until window 2 is
dismissed, but since window1 is also a dialog and you call its ShowModal to
display it again you've just given yourself a deadlock.

One solution is to not keep it around in a global, but recreate it when
needed (and Destroy() it when done with it.) Also, it should probably be
made a child of window2 when it is launched from there.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!