[wxPython] [Q] how to run demo.py in redhat

You need to install the module first. Go to the directory where you unpacked wxPython and do:

  python setup.py install

At least, I think you do.

-- Stephen


-----Original Message-----
From: Young-Jin Lee [mailto:ylee12@uiuc.edu]
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 4:04 PM
To: wxpython-users@lists.wxwindows.org
Subject: [wxPython] [Q] how to run demo.py in redhat

Hi, I'm new to RedHat. I was using Python and wxPython in windows last
couple of weeks, but I decided to use them in RedHat.
I installed both and I can launch python 2.2 interpreter by typing
"python2", but I couldn't run wxPython demo files.
I extracted wxPython demo files under my home directory and I
tried "python2
demo.py" in that directory. The error message I got was
Traceback (innermost last):
    File "demo.py", line 3, in ?
        import Main
    File "demo.py", line 15, in?
        from wxPython.wx import *
Import Error: No module named wxPython.wx
My $PATH has
and my $PYTHONPATH has no entry.
What should I do if I want to run wxPython demo files?

The other question I want to ask is "double-clicking python
file" didn't
work on my RedHat. As far as I understand, it should work
because the first
line, #!/usr/bin/env python, in every python source code, but
it didn't
How can I run them by double-clicking?

Thanks in advance.