Hi, all...
I'd like to get some help on how to create a derived class from
wxRectangleShape. I wanted to add get/set method for the name of
wxRectangleShape object because wxRectangleShape does not have these
So I created a derived class like this.
from wxPython.ogl import wxRectangleShape
class ConceptNode( wxRectangleShape ):
def __init__( self, w = 0.0, h = 0.0, name = 'Concept' ):
wxRectangleShape.__init__( self, w, h )
# self.connector: RelationLine object
# self.name: concept node name
def setName( self, name ):
self.name = name
def getName( self ):
return self.name
Whenever I created a ConceptNode object in the main class, I set its name as
self.addConceptNode( ConceptNode( nodeWidth, nodeHeight ),
x, y, wxBLACK_PEN,
wxLIGHT_GREY_BRUSH, dialog.GetValue() )
def addConceptNode(self, shape, x, y, pen, brush, text):
shape.setName( text )
print 'set name at addConceptNode', shape.getName()
evthandler = MyEvtHandler( self.log, self.parent, self )
In the main class, I keep a list of two ConceptNode objects and they are
used in the MyEvtHandler like below code.
class MyEvtHandler(wxShapeEvtHandler):
def __init__(self, log, frame, conceptWindow ):
self.log = log
self.frame = frame
self.conceptWindow = conceptWindow # main class
def handlePositiveRelation( self, x, y, keys, attachment ):
shape = self.GetShape() # shape should be a ConceptNode object.
conceptWindow = self.conceptWindow
print conceptWindow.fromToNodes
if len( conceptWindow.fromToNodes ) == 0:
conceptWindow.fromToNodes.append( shape )
if len( conceptWindow.fromToNodes ) == 1:
fromNode = conceptWindow.fromToNodes[0]
print 'check fromnode', fromNode.getName()
I got
AttributeError: wxPyRectangleShapePtr instance has no attribute 'getName' in
the last print statement.
Internally, wxPython seems to treat my ConceptNode object as a
wxPyRectangleShapePtr, but this is not what I want.
How can I access the method I created in the derived class?
Thanks in advance.