[wxPython] PyCrust feedback square

Hi Patrick,

A quick reply while everything is still fresh in yout head
- Autocompletion: I didn't know or discover I had to use tab instead of cr.
- Input boxes: ok for the while. Why inadequate? It covers the interpreter
output text.
- vb SendKeys: Since I cann't make the prompt visible without pressing a key
(in wrap line mode). I thought about something like sending a space,
followed by a backspace to the ctrl directly after the prompt has been
displayed. (Simulate an user input)
- The most important to me. Please keep the sys.ps2 prompt. If you have, a
ps1 prompt, you should have a ps2 prompt, preferably with len(sys.ps1) ==
len(sys.ps2). Why, look below what I can do within IDLE. ---| represents the
left border of the window; tab = 4 spaces.

---|>>> for i in range(3):
---| print 'Hello Patrick'

Ok, this works.

---|>>> for i in range(3):
---|print 'Hello Patrick'
---|IndentationError: expected an indented block (line 2)

Correct, this should not be ok

---|>>> for i in range(3):
---| print 'Hello Patrick'

This is working !

---|>>> for i in range(3):
---| print 'Hello Patrick'

Even worth, this is working too!

My comments:
- this is really bad, specially for beginners, we should never neglect them.
- not necessary to say that identation is important to python (one of its
- only people with some python experience will understand why this is
- in the doc (tutorial), there are always >>> and ...
- I'm surprised Guido accepts something like this
- When I was a beginner, I used sys.ps1 = 'command >>>\n'. Nice for

Just an idea. With the stc ctrl, we can do something great. We
can use margin markers as prompts. I will try to make some tests.

Jean-Michel Fauth, Switzerland

Just an idea. With the stc ctrl, we can do something great. We
can use margin markers as prompts. I will try to make some tests.

Yes! That was exactly my plan. I wasn't going to get rid of just ps2, but
ps1 as well and replace them with margin markers. That way more of the
built-in wxSTC features will be available (like autoindenting) because the
text prompts won't be getting in the way.

Let me know how the tests go. There is a lot of code in shell.py that has to
deal with the darn prompts. All that will have to be refactored. But I think
this is the way to go in the long run.


Patrick K. O'Brien