Documentation for wxListCtrl (both local supplied with wxPython and
online on say nothing about
wxListCtrl.Append method, though it is present.
Is it a documentation bug or have I missed something?
Sincerely Yours,
Python 2.2.2 (#37, Oct 14 2002, 17:02:34) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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from wxPython.wx import *
Help on method Append in module wxPython.controls2:
Append(self, entry) unbound wxPython.controls2.wxListCtrl method
Append an item to the list control. The entry parameter should be a
sequence with an item for each column
Documentation for wxListCtrl (both local supplied with wxPython and
online on say nothing about
wxListCtrl.Append method, though it is present.
Is it a documentation bug or have I missed something?
Documentation bug, sort of. It's a convenience method I added for wxPython from a user contributed patch, so it's not in C++ so it isn't in the C++ docs.
I'm working on some changes to SWIG that will make it easy to generate some Python specific docs that will pick up things like this.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!
It must be a wxPython-specific thing as C++ interface doesn't have such
method. It doesn't mean it shouldn't be added to the docs, of course, but
just that I can't do it as I don't know anything about this.
On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 18:56:20 +0400 Krjukov Victor <> wrote:
Documentation for wxListCtrl (both local supplied with wxPython and
online on say nothing about
wxListCtrl.Append method, though it is present.
Is it a documentation bug or have I missed something?