wxPython_Phoenix-3.0.1.dev75722-py3.3-win32.egg - GetdragcursorData, GetdragcursorImage

I find some issues.



    def GetdragcursorData():
""" Returns the drag and drop cursor image as a decompressed stream of characters. """
return zlib.decompress(
\xe9\xea\xe7\xb2\xce)\xa1\t\x00B7|\x00" )


File “C:\Python\Python33\lib\site-packages\wxpython_phoenix-3.0.1.dev75722-py3.3-win32.egg\wx\lib\agw\ultimatelistctrl.py”, line 644, in GetdragcursorData
TypeError: ‘str’ does not support the buffer interface

I tryed to do some changes, for “repair” and found…


def GetdragcursorData():
“”" Returns the drag and drop cursor image as a decompressed stream of characters. “”"

return zlib.decompress("x\xda\xeb\x0c\xf0s\xe7\xe5\x92\xe2b``\xe0\xf5\xf4p\t\x02\xd2\xa2@,\xcf\xc1\

\x9a\xa7l\xa4\x90\x99\x9e\x97_\x94\x9a\xc2\xeb\x18\xec\xec\xe9i\xa5\xa0\xa7\ W\xa5\xaa\x07\x01P:7\x1eH\xe4\xe8\xe9\xd9\x808\x11\xbc\x1e\xae\x11V\n\x06@
\xe9\xea\xe7\xb2\xce)\xa1\t\x00B7|\x00".encode(‘latin1’,‘strict’)) # <-- 1.) have to add encoding – 2.)?! LATIN1 !? - should not be cursor image stored in UTF-8 for eg. versatility ?

After “repair” there were other issue …

File “C:\Python\Python33\lib\site-packages\wxpython_phoenix-3.0.1.dev75722-py3.3-win32.egg\wx\lib\agw\ultimatelistctrl.py”, line 656, in GetdragcursorImage
stream = six.StringIO(GetdragcursorData())
TypeError: initial_value must be str or None, not bytes

I would like to start programming in Python with wxpython, but currently it is useless becase a lot of issues/errors…

stepanh android wrote:

I find some issues.

line 644, in GetdragcursorData
TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface

Yep, these kind of things have been in the process of getting fixed over the past couple weeks. The proper fix is to use a bytes literal (i.e., to use a b"" type of constant) and to use six.BytesIO to make the stream the data will be loaded from.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

Depending on your needs you might want to consider using wxPython
Classic as it is much more stable then Phoenix. On the other hand
if you regularly update to the latest snapshot of Phoenix you could
stay with what you use now and help a lot in getting Phoenix more
stable by reporting issues you are running into.


Hi Stepanh,

  On 30/01/2014 11:29, stepanh android wrote:
      I would like to start programming in Python with wxpython, but

currently it is
useless becase a lot of