I want a wxTextCtrl to look like wxStaticText. I'd like
the grey background, and not have users be able to change
it. I've found wxTE_READONLY, but I need to get rid of the
white/sunken border. (For both Linux & Windows, by the way)
I want a wxTextCtrl to look like wxStaticText. I'd like
the grey background, and not have users be able to change
it. I've found wxTE_READONLY, but I need to get rid of the
white/sunken border. (For both Linux & Windows, by the way)
Try calling text.Enable(false).
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters? http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!
header = wxTextCtrl(self, 70, "Text I want to change", wxPoint(col,
row+210), wxSize(width, 20), wxTE_READONLY)
It kept the sunken white background, but made the text grey.
There's no way to use wxStaticText, is there? (I guess that's why
its named "static".)
Rob Cakebread
Quoting Robin Dunn <robin@alldunn.com>:
> I want a wxTextCtrl to look like wxStaticText. I'd like
> the grey background, and not have users be able to change
> it. I've found wxTE_READONLY, but I need to get rid of the
> white/sunken border. (For both Linux & Windows, by the way)
Try calling text.Enable(false).
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters? http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!
Thanks Robin, that was it. I tried SetValue when I first
tried that route.
You never said but I am guessing you are wanting to change the text
programatically? If so then you can use the SetLabel method of the