[wxPython] (no subject)

   I have a problem installing the latest version of wxPython, i have already installed glib, gtk+, and wxGTK 2.3.3 but whem I try to install wxPython with the package .rpm, it says that I don't have a library called libwx_gtk-2.3.so.1. So I don't know how to solce this problem because i have installed the wxgtk library, so if you know how to, please send me an email at guillempalou@hotmail.com. Many thanks

                                           Guillem Palou


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   I have a problem installing the latest version of wxPython, i have
already installed glib, gtk+, and wxGTK 2.3.3 but whem I try to install
wxPython with the package .rpm, it says that I don't have a library called
libwx_gtk-2.3.so.1. So I don't know how to solce this problem because i


installed the wxgtk library, so if you know how to, please send me an


at guillempalou@hotmail.com. Many thanks

How did you install wxGTK? (RPM, source, etc.) and which version of wxPython
did you try to install?

If you are working with the RPM verison of wxPython then you need
the 2.3.2 RPM of wxGTK. For 2.3.3 I will have a single RPM that includes


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!