[wxPython] My recent complaints, loads of bugs and what I'm up to

It might have been obvious from my recent posts what I'm up to, but here
you can see a screen shot that shows the basic controls of what will
ultimately be a wxPython MUA. Even if it won't get finished, I think it
will make a nice contribution to wxPython's samples directory:


I have a tendency to view everything that doesn't work as advertised as
a bug. And I've found a lot like this in wxPython/wxGTK already,
especially in the CVS version.

In the release, the only thing that doesn't work in this
prototype is that if I change the size of a column in the castrated
wxListCtrl that you see over the threaded messages, the column drag
event handlers are never called. This seems to be fixed in CVS.

I wish I could judge more easily where the problem really lies, though I
suspect most of them are on the wxWindows side. But if I actually
submitted a bug report for everything that doesn't work as I think it
should (from the docs, or examples), their SF bug tracker would probably
get drowned :wink:



mail: gerhard <at> bigfoot <dot> de registered Linux user #64239
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