Currently I am using Tkinter interface and it's Text widget.
There are lot of things I do not like about Tcl/Tk and Tkinter:
1) too many API layers, 2 of which are interpreted languages (Tcl and
2) only simulated object-oriented aproach (Tcl is not OO:)
3) individual widgets are implemented in Tcl/Tk, but not native Win32/GTK/Qt
ones are used
4) very limited set of widgets (well, can make new ones in Python using
Canvas, but
drawing more complex widgets require alot of code)
I find that all these 4 problems are not actual if you use wxPython:
1) reduced number of API layers (wxWindows-wxPython), of which only one is
interpreted language,
and it does not involve much processing - just a wrapper
2) nice object-oriented aproach
3) native widgets are used
4) wide variety of widgets
However there is one problem for me to switch to wxPython TODAY. It is lack
of native
multi-color text widget, like Text in Tcl/Tk...
I am using Tcl/Tk Text as output window with data highlighting etc, so I
only need read-only
Here are list of features I need from such widget:
1) ability to display text in multiple foreground/background colors (each
line should be able
to contain text of different coloring)
2) ability to dynamically add data to widget (at the end of data), where
data could be string
with \n characters in it (several lines) or without \n (add data to current
3) ability to dynamically delete data from widget (from beginning of data -
to maintain certain
amount out "scroll-back" history)
4) ability to scroll certain line into view (usually end of data)
5) ability to act as read-only text widget, so user can copy data from it,
but cannot modify it
As I read from wxWindows homepage, there is no such widget natively built
into wxWindows at the
moment...however - maybe someone of you have met the similar problem and
would like to share
the solution or ideas with me...