[wxPython] More N00b notebook woes

Okay, attached here is some code that doesn't work. Could someone please tell me why?
I expect it to pop a window with a text field and buttons in.

David Gentle

noteshow.py (2.54 KB)

David Gentle wrote:

Okay, attached here is some code that doesn't work. Could someone please tell me why?
I expect it to pop a window with a text field and buttons in.

You were trying to do too much. If a frame has only one child it will automatically size/position it to fill the client area. Notebooks do the same with their page windows. Here's your code with a bunch of stuff removed, and a couple little changes:

from wxPython.wx import *

class MyFrame(wxFrame):
     def __init__(self, parent, ID, title):
         wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, ID, title, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 250))

         self.wholething = wxPanel(self, 34, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSIMPLE_BORDER)


         self.entry = wxPanel(self.notebook, 35, wxDefaultPosition,
                              wxDefaultSize, wxSIMPLE_BORDER)
         self.notebook.AddPage(self.entry, "buggy")


         self.t1 = wxTextCtrl(self.entry, 300,
                              "This isn't printing, help",
                              size=(125, 200), style=wxTE_MULTILINE)

         b1 = wxButton(self.entry, 100, "more")
         b2 = wxButton(self.entry, 200, "mousey")

         dogsy.left.SameAs(self.entry, wxLeft)
         dogsy.right.SameAs(self.entry, wxCentreX)


     def EvtText(self, event):
         print event.GetString()

     def But(self, event):
         print self.t1.GetValue()

     def TimeToQuit(self, event):

class MyApp(wxApp):
     def OnInit(self):
         frame = MyFrame(NULL, -1, "tester")
         return true

app = MyApp(0)


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!