[wxPython] Memory Leaks with wxPython and grid

I get the following lines in dos prompt in win2000, when exiting the main frame:

E:\koodit\python\grid>python pngrid.py
21:39:42: There were memory leaks.
21:39:42: ----- Memory dump -----
21:39:42: wxEvtHandler at $1067DB8, size 48
21:39:42: ----- Memory statistics -----
21:39:42: 1 objects of class wxEvtHandler, total size 48
21:39:42: Number of object items: 1
21:39:42: Number of non-object items: 0
21:39:42: Total allocated size: 48

Note that if I comment line (in class MainFrame(wxFrame)):

            self.pn_grid = PnGrid(self)

no memory leaks occur when "exit" is selected from menu !!!

What am I missing here ?

----------code starts here-------------------

from wxPython.wx import *
from wxPython.grid import *
from wxPython.lib.mixins.grid import wxGridAutoEditMixin
import sys, pprint
ID_EXIT = 102

class PnGrid(wxGrid):
    def __init__(self, parent):
        wxGrid.__init__(self, parent, -1)

        self.moveTo = None

        EVT_IDLE(self, self.OnIdle)

        self.CreateGrid(25, 25)

        # simple cell formatting
        self.SetColSize(3, 200)
        self.SetRowSize(4, 45)
        self.SetCellValue(0, 0, "First cell")
        self.SetCellValue(1, 1, "Another cell")
        self.SetCellValue(2, 2, "Yet another cell")
        self.SetCellValue(3, 3, "This cell is read-only")
        self.SetCellFont(0, 0, wxFont(12, wxROMAN, wxITALIC, wxNORMAL))
        self.SetCellTextColour(1, 1, wxRED)
        self.SetCellBackgroundColour(2, 2, wxCYAN)
        self.SetReadOnly(3, 3, true)

        self.SetCellEditor(5, 0, wxGridCellNumberEditor())
        self.SetCellValue(5, 0, "123")
        self.SetCellEditor(6, 0, wxGridCellFloatEditor())
        self.SetCellValue(6, 0, "123.34")

        self.SetCellValue(6, 3, "You can veto editing this cell")

        # attribute objects let you keep a set of formatting values
        # in one spot, and reuse them if needed
        attr = wxGridCellAttr()
        attr.SetFont(wxFont(10, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD))

        # you can set cell attributes for the whole row (or column)
        self.SetRowAttr(5, attr)

        self.SetColLabelValue(0, "Custom")
        self.SetColLabelValue(1, "column")
        self.SetColLabelValue(2, "labels")

        self.SetColLabelAlignment(wxALIGN_LEFT, wxALIGN_BOTTOM)

        # test all the events
        EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_CLICK(self, self.OnCellLeftClick)
        EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK(self, self.OnCellRightClick)
        EVT_GRID_CELL_LEFT_DCLICK(self, self.OnCellLeftDClick)
        EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_DCLICK(self, self.OnCellRightDClick)

        EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_CLICK(self, self.OnLabelLeftClick)
        EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK(self, self.OnLabelRightClick)
        EVT_GRID_LABEL_LEFT_DCLICK(self, self.OnLabelLeftDClick)
        EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_DCLICK(self, self.OnLabelRightDClick)

        EVT_GRID_ROW_SIZE(self, self.OnRowSize)
        EVT_GRID_COL_SIZE(self, self.OnColSize)

        EVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT(self, self.OnRangeSelect)
        EVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGE(self, self.OnCellChange)
        EVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL(self, self.OnSelectCell)

        EVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN(self, self.OnEditorShown)
        EVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN(self, self.OnEditorHidden)
        EVT_GRID_EDITOR_CREATED(self, self.OnEditorCreated)

    def OnCellLeftClick(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnCellLeftClick: (%d,%d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

    def OnCellRightClick(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnCellRightClick: (%d,%d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

    def OnCellLeftDClick(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnCellLeftDClick: (%d,%d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

    def OnCellRightDClick(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnCellRightDClick: (%d,%d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

    def OnLabelLeftClick(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnLabelLeftClick: (%d,%d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

    def OnLabelRightClick(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnLabelRightClick: (%d,%d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

    def OnLabelLeftDClick(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnLabelLeftDClick: (%d,%d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

    def OnLabelRightDClick(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnLabelRightDClick: (%d,%d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

    def OnRowSize(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnRowSize: row %d, %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRowOrCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

    def OnColSize(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnColSize: col %d, %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRowOrCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

    def OnRangeSelect(self, evt):
        if evt.Selecting():
            pprint.pprint("OnRangeSelect: top-left %s, bottom-right %s\n" %

    def OnCellChange(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnCellChange: (%d,%d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

        # Show how to stay in a cell that has bad data. We can't just
        # call SetGridCursor here since we are nested inside one so it
        # won't have any effect. Instead, set coordinants to move to in
        # idle time.
        value = self.GetCellValue(evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol())
        if value == 'no good':
            self.moveTo = evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol()

    def OnIdle(self, evt):
        if self.moveTo != None:
            self.SetGridCursor(self.moveTo[0], self.moveTo[1])
            self.moveTo = None

    def OnSelectCell(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnSelectCell: (%d,%d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

        # Another way to stay in a cell that has a bad value...
        row = self.GetGridCursorRow()
        col = self.GetGridCursorCol()
        if self.IsCellEditControlEnabled():
        value = self.GetCellValue(row, col)
        if value == 'no good 2':
            return # cancels the cell selection

    def OnEditorShown(self, evt):
        if evt.GetRow() == 6 and evt.GetCol() == 3 and \
           wxMessageBox("Are you sure you wish to edit this cell?",
                        "Checking", wxYES_NO) == wxNO:

        pprint.pprint("OnEditorShown: (%d,%d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

    def OnEditorHidden(self, evt):
        if evt.GetRow() == 6 and evt.GetCol() == 3 and \
           wxMessageBox("Are you sure you wish to finish editing this
                        "Checking", wxYES_NO) == wxNO:

        pprint.pprint("OnEditorHidden: (%d,%d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetPosition()))

    def OnEditorCreated(self, evt):
        pprint.pprint("OnEditorCreated: (%d, %d) %s\n" %
                       (evt.GetRow(), evt.GetCol(), evt.GetControl()))

class MainFrame(wxFrame):
    """ Creates and initializes the main window"""
    def __init__(self, parent, id, title, style):
        # First, call the base class' __init__ method to create the frame
        wxFrame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, wxPoint(100, 100),
wxSize(640, 480), style)

        self.SetStatusText("This is the statusbar")

        # Make menu with separate MakeMenus -method
        menu = self.MakeMenus()

        # Associate some events with methods of this class
        EVT_MENU(self, ID_EXIT, self.OnExit)

        # Create grid
        self.pn_grid = PnGrid(self)

    def MakeMenus(self):
        """Creates the menus of the main window"""

        # Filemenu contents
        filemenu = wxMenu()
        filemenu.Append(ID_EXIT, "Exit", "Terminate the program")

        # Collect all menus
        main = wxMenuBar()
        main.Append(filemenu, "File")
        return main

    def OnExit(self, event):
        # Close program

class MainApp(wxApp):
    # wxWindows calls this method to initialize the application

    def OnInit(self):
    # Create an instance of our customized Frame class
        # Create an instance of our customized Frame class
        frame = MainFrame(NULL, -1, " PnGrid", wxSTAY_ON_TOP | wxCAPTION)

    # Tell wxWindows that this is our main window
        return true

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = MainApp(0)

21:39:42: ----- Memory statistics -----
21:39:42: 1 objects of class wxEvtHandler, total size 48

Thanks, this has already been fixed.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!