[wxPython] MDI App and ShowModal Dialog Window Bug?

I have an MDI applactaion using wxMDIParentFrame. The user can open a wxMDIChildFrame window with a wxListCtrl that displays files they can open/edit/delete using a wxDialog window that I open using ShowModal.

What is interesting is this, when I open the wxDialog from the wxMDIChildFrame window passing self as the first parameter, if you click on the wxMDIParentFrame window, the wxMDIParentFrame window's menu bar changes from the childs to the frames menu and you can interact with the menu and exit the program by clicking the wxMDIParentFrame window close box!

If I open the wxDialog from the wxMDIChildFrame passing self.parent as the first parameter, then you cannot interact with the wxMDIParentFrame until you close the dialog window. This is how I would expect thing to work.

Is this a bug or expected MDI behavior? I'm running wxPython 2.1.15 and win98.



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