wxPython maillist weirdness

Hi, friends!

I cannot understand why each month or two I was automatically unsubscribed from the maillist. I am not a spamer nor troll, but why maillist server kickoff me from the list?


Basil Shubin
Freelance Software Developer

Basil Shubin wrote:

Hi, friends!

I cannot understand why each month or two I was automatically unsubscribed from the maillist. I am not a spamer nor troll, but why maillist server kickoff me from the list?

One way that can happen is if your mail server is aggressive about blocking spam. If it rejects the spam coming via the list while it is still talking to the list's mail server then the list's mail server assumes that your mail address is no longer valid. After a certain number of rejects in a row it automatically unsubscribes you. So when there is a flood of SPAM that happens before the list's mail server can update its SpamAssassin and etc. then there can be more outgoing spams and this problem can happen.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
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