wxPython logo in presentation

In early October I'm giving a presentation on wxPython at MichiPUG (the Michigan Python Users Group - the group meets in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA). On my presentation slides I'd like to display the wxPython logo in the corner of each slide. (I think the logo looks great). I'm not sure who I should ask permission of to do this.

During my presentation I will direct people to the wxPython.org website, and clearly give credit to the creator of the logo.



Bruce Webber

Bruce Webber wrote:

In early October I'm giving a presentation on wxPython at MichiPUG (the Michigan Python Users Group - the group meets in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA). On my presentation slides I'd like to display the wxPython logo in the corner of each slide. (I think the logo looks great). I'm not sure who I should ask permission of to do this.

Feel free to use it.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!



--Robin Dunn <robin@alldunn.com> wrote:

Bruce Webber wrote:

In early October I'm giving a presentation on wxPython at MichiPUG (the
Michigan Python Users Group - the group meets in Ann Arbor, Michigan,
USA). On my presentation slides I'd like to display the wxPython logo in
the corner of each slide. (I think the logo looks great). I'm not sure
who I should ask permission of to do this.

Feel free to use it.

Bruce Webber