To create a wxAcceleratorEntry (to assign a keyboard accelerator to a menu
item), you are supposed to specify a flag - "One of wxACCEL_ALT,
wxACCEL_SHIFT, wxACCEL_CTRL and wxACCEL_NORMAL" indicating which modifier
key (if any) is used.
As I understand it, to declare the Del key as an accelerator for an Edit >>
Delete menu item, I should do something like this:
entry = wxAcceleratorEntry(wxACCEL_NORMAL, WXK_DELETE, EditDeleteID)
Unfortunately, wxACCEL_NORMAL does not seem to be defined in wxPython
2.1.15. I cannot print its value, nor can I find it by poking around in I can get my app to run by using either None or NULL in place of
wxACCEL_NORMAL, but some exceptions are reported while the menu is being
Can anyone please tell me what the value of wxACCEL_NORMAL would be if it
were defined, or straighten me out if I am doing something wrong?
Jim Dukarm