I am having trouble gettin EVT_SCROLL to work. So I did some searching and
found some posting discussing the subject from 9/99. I used the workaround
there, and had to use a different function for each macro. To refresh: I
self.Connect(-1, -1, wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBTRACK, self.OnScrolltt)
self.Connect(-1, -1, wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP, self.OnScrolllu)
self.Connect(-1, -1, wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN, self.OnScrollld)
self.Connect(-1, -1, wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEUP, self.OnScrollpu)
self.Connect(-1, -1, wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_PAGEDOWN, self.OnScrollpd)
with each of those calling self.OnScroll(evt). Since this is basically a
listing of the EVT_SCROLL method in wx.py, I can only conclude that the
problem is related with associating the same function to more than one
event. Does that make sense? Has someone come out with a patch or a more
elegant workaround for this? Is it a GTK-only prob?
BTW, I have v. 2.2 of wxP and wxW
Leonardo B. Lopes leo@iems.nwu.edu
Ph.D. Student (847)491-8470
IEMS - Northwestern University http://www.iems.nwu.edu/~leo