I have a fairly complicated application, using wxpython heavily, that
works well from a script. I have been trying to freeze it with
Gordon's installer (which I have used before but with python1.5),
The problem I run into with python20 is not with wxpython but with
certain cmodules that come with python itself, namely cPickle,
rotor and time. The installer produces an exe file, but when I try to
run it I simply get an error message saying that it cannot load the
first of these modules (they are all specified as modules to be
imported in my own scripts). This seems very odd, because they
are standard modules. If I leave import statements for them out,
then the installer produces an exe file which will run, until
something is called which depends on these modules. The
Builder.log does not show anything problematic, and nor does
screen output, even with the debugger switch.
On the other hand, py2exe works fine, giving me an exe file that
works for me personally. However I have found that the exe file that
it produces fails to recognise associated dlls if it is run from a
different drive mapping on our network even though all the dlls are
placed in the directory from which it is run (it will work fine from
anywhere on a local disk, even of a PC with no python installation
on it). This makes the py2exe installation unsatisfactory for
network use (and my application is designed to be used on a
I would very much appreciate suggestions as to how I might solve
my problems with installation..
Roger Young
Has anybody got an idea of
Roger Young,
Philosophy Department,
University of Dundee
tel 01382 344539
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