wxPython in Action - Listing 11.11

I am using Listing 11.11 as a pattern and have my program working when called as a main program.

I want to import it from another program as follows:

import Record_Info
. . .
display = Record_Info.RecordInfo()

This produces a test print but no panel.

Any suggestions, are appreciated.

How do I show it if I import it?

D. J. Webre, Jr. PE & PLS
Director of Engineering & Technical Support
LA DOTD, Office of Public Works, Hurricane Flood Protection & Intermodal Transportation
8900 Jimmy Wedell Dr. Rm 215
Baton Rouge, LA 70807

(225) 274-4339 e-mail: DJWebre@dotd.la.gov
(225) 274-4322 Fac

DWebre@dotd.la.gov wrote:

I am using Listing 11.11 as a pattern and have my program working when called as a main program.

I want to import it from another program as follows:

import Record_Info
. . .
display = Record_Info.RecordInfo()

This produces a test print but no panel.

Any suggestions, are appreciated.

We can't read your mind or your source code, unless you share it with us. What is RecordInfo? What else is in the module? http://wiki.wxpython.org/MakingSampleApps


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!