[wxPython] hybrid version warnings everywhere

This won't work for the O.P.'s problem, however, because the wxPython error output is done from extension code, using the C library's stdout/stderr, and not Python's sys.stdout/sys.stderr.

Robin, have you tried redirecting the output via the command line? It's not clear whether your "capturing standard out" means replacing Python's sys.stdout, as Manoj suggested, or using the DOS shell's redirection facilities (which, I'd think, *ought* to work...). Try invoking your program with

c:\> python myprog.py >output.txt 2> err.txt

(I *think* that 2> is the proper redirection for stderr ...)

I've also had some luck in finding wxPython bugs by using the PythonWin debugger--there's some problems with interoperation of PythonWin and wxPython, but I've been able to get far enough in several cases to figure out where the problem in my code was...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International


On Sun, 02 Dec 2001 13:21:32 -0600, > Manoj Plakal <terabaap@yumpee.org> wrote:

Robin Parmar wrote:

> Using the Hybrid version of wxPython on win32 I get many lines of
> memory statistics if something goes wrong with my program -- so many
> that even a 50-line screen is not enough to actually see the error
> that occured.
> Capturing standard out, error out, or even defining my own try/else
> block does nothing to change this.

       I'm curious as to why capturing stdout and stderr
       don't work. I assume that by capturing you mean
       assigning new files to sys.stdout and sys.stderr?