Sorry. I know this is basic, but I cannot find what I need in
the docs. How do I change the list that a listBox displays,
force it to redisplay and query its selections. I assume that
all widgets behave in roughly the same way, so solving this
problem for wxCheckListBox will point me in the right direction
for other widgets also. The demo simply shows the creation of a
listBox and does not change nor query its contents. If you
already have a snippet of code to share, or can point me to
documentatiion, that would be nice. Thanks ahead for any help.
Pardon me. I figured this out.
Sorry. I know this is basic, but I cannot find what I need in
the docs. How do I change the list that a listBox displays,
listBox.Clear() followed by one or more listBox.Append()'s
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!