[wxPython] holy blinking wxScrollbar batman!

Does anyone know how to disable the blinking of the wxScrollbar when it has focus?

w2k, wxPython version 2.3.2



Nope, also noting that if you call SetScrollbar( *parameters) the cursor size doesn't appear to update.

Hmm, I've not used this control much in the past, is this a new "feature", or something introduced recently? There doesn't appear to be any method for specifying the cursor appearance, so I'm guessing it's been like this all along?

Ah well, not a critical problem for me just now, back to work,

Harrison, Matthew wrote:


Does anyone know how to disable the blinking of the wxScrollbar when it has focus?

w2k, wxPython version 2.3.2



   Mike C. Fletcher

Does anyone know how to disable the blinking of the wxScrollbar when it

has focus?

Don't let it get the focus.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!