[wxPython] HELP! Drag'n'Drop!


I belive I'm not very far from going totally nuts over this with drag and drop.
I've included a short little program that works great for me in linux using
but behaves very strange under windows. It's just a small program with two
wxTextCtrl widgets, and you're supposed to be able to drag the contents of
the top one to the bottom one, and it will spit out what ever contents was
onto stdout. But this doesn't work under windows, I can however drag the
of the top widget to "Notepad" in windows, and I can also drag text from
to the bottom widget which also works. All this seems very strange to me. If it
data from Notepad then why not from the top widget?

If there is anyone who could sort this out, I would be forever in debt. :slight_smile:

drag.py (1.27 KB)