[wxPython] Help again about running 2.1.15 on IRIX

Was somebody able to run wxPython 2.1.15 on IRIX? The compile process terminated
without problems, but it seems there is a problem related to libwxPyHelpers.so.
When I run the demo, I get this error message:

[root:/usr/local/wx/utils/wxPython/demo]# python demo.py
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "demo.py", line 3, in ?
    import Main
  File "Main.py", line 15, in ?
    from wxPython.wx import *
  File "/usr/freeware/lib/python1.5/site-packages/wxPython/__init__.py", line
20, in ?
    import wxc
ImportError: 52547:python: rld: Fatal Error: unresolvable symbol in

libwxPyHelpers.so is in /usr/freeware/lib which is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. To be
sure, I also tried to put this library in other places, like PYTHONPATH, but
nothing changed. What I don't understand is if python is not able to find the
library or if the something went wrong in the build process.

my configuration is:
Sgi O2
IRIX 6.5
gcc 2.91.66
swig 1.1 (883)
wxGTK and wxPython 2.1.15
GTK 1.2.7

Thanks for any suggestion,
Maurizio Turatti