[wxPython] Good news for wxWindows/wxPython

Hi all,

Here's a bit of is good news for wxWindows/wxPython, (at least I think it's
good news for wx*, and it's certainly good for me!)

I've accepted a position at a fairly new company in Portland called
Sliceware (http://www.sliceware.com/) as a GUI Software Architect where I'll
be developing and managing the development of wxPython-based applications.
A large part of my job responsibilities will be to work on wxPython itself.
As many of you know, an environment like this has been a dream of mine for
quite some time. wxPROs was an attempt to create such an environment myself
but because of various reasons I won't go into now I haven't been able to
get it far enough down that path to be self-sustaining...

I'm hoping that being able to work on wxPython fixes and features during the
day will free up my evenings enough that I can work on the more ambitious
things that I have been putting off, such as the wxPython book and the wxPRE
mentioned yesterday.

One possible downside of this is the potential impact on wxPROs. Until
further notice I am suspending the sale of new wxPython Support Contracts.
(I'll still honor existing contracts of course.) Until I see how my time
balances out in the new environment, I don't feel it's ethical to offer the
support contracts if I may not be able to fulfill them. I still expect to
be able to take on occasional consulting jobs at an hourly rate, if
interested please send me a mail and ask about current availability.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!

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