[wxPython] general problem between version wxPython 2.2 and 2.1

Yesterday I wrote, that I have problems with PythonWin and Grid Control, but
in the meantime I dug a little bit deeper. When I use wxPython 2.1.16 all my
programs are running fine under PythonWin control. I can restart how often I
like. But when I install 2.2.1 PythonWin get crashed after restarting an
wxPython program - no source line changed. Eventually a bug ?


Yesterday I wrote, that I have problems with PythonWin and Grid Control,


in the meantime I dug a little bit deeper. When I use wxPython 2.1.16 all


programs are running fine under PythonWin control. I can restart how often


like. But when I install 2.2.1 PythonWin get crashed after restarting an
wxPython program - no source line changed. Eventually a bug ?

Works fine for me. Which version of PythonWin do you have?


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxpython.org Java give you jitters?
http://wxpros.com Relax with wxPython!