[wxPython] FW: thin client architecture follow-up

Hi Kevin,

I'm not sure how useful my comments would be in the context of the project
you're discussing on the mailing list, but you're welcome to forward this
message there if you like. The framework hasn't changed very much on the
surface. Under the hood, we've abandoned our XML format for windows in favor
of saving them as Python source code (XML parsing wasn't prohibitively slow,
but slower than Python parsing, and speed was an issue), expanded the OO
databinding facilities, and are now working on a Qt implementation that uses
SOAP instead of CORBA. More of the implementation-specific code has moved to
the generic layer as the design matured, which helps a lot.

The challenge was and is in keeping the library small enough to be easily
portable while still providing a relatively full-featured framework for
business applications. Providing nearly-identical layout and capabilities
across several GUI toolkits has also been quite challenging. This is
probably not as much a concern for your project as it would be for, say, the
anygui project. I imagine your problems will revolve more around how to add
functionality and simplify interfaces for the beginners without making the
experts lives more difficult when they need to bypass the framework.

Interestingly, at the beginning of the project, (when Robin was working at
Jenkon :slight_smile: we were actually developing the Jython/JFC version and a wxPython
version simultaneously to make sure that our design wouldn't favor any one
toolkit's approach too much. Personally, I really enjoy working with
wxPython, but ours is an extensively internationalized product, and so Qt's
much stronger Unicode handling made it the only choice for us in the long
run. wxPython is a good tool, and I applaud your efforts. I'd like to see
wxPython continue to grow.

Good luck with your project, and don't hesitate to send email if you have
other questions or just want to bounce ideas off of someone.




-----Original Message-----
From: brk@jenkon.com [mailto:brk@jenkon.com]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 12:18 PM
To: altis@semi-retired.com
Subject: RE: thin client architecture follow-up

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Altis [SMTP:altis@semi-retired.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 11:25 AM
To: xoltar@starship.python.net
Subject: thin client architecture follow-up

Hi Bryn,
I've been reading your paper:
A Retargetable Thin Client Architecture in Python
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Yesterday, I posted a message to wxPython-users
ActiveState Community - Boosting coder and team productivity with ready-to-use open source languages and tools.
trying to gauge the interest in a wxPython-specific framework. I'm also
already leading the PythonCard project:

I was wondering what your experiences have been with your framework,
you've changed, whether you've moved to wxPython, etc. since the paper was
put out? It would be great to get your input (if allowed by your employer)
on the wxPython-users mailing list. Otherwise, any comments or
recommendations you can share offlist would be welcome.


Kevin Altis