[wxPython] _Extreme_ slowness of wxPython!??!


The problem is that wxPython is _extremely_ slow.

  Are you using a Gnome/GTK theme, not the default one? Some themes
bring wxGTK to its knees. This looks like a redraw problem.


Hugues Talbot, CSIRO Mathematical & Information Sciences
Locked Bag 17, Building E6B, Macquarie University North Ryde
NSW 2113 Australia Ph: 61 2 9325 3208 Fax: 61 2 9325 3200

Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is
not the reason we are doing it -- Richard Feynman

YES! That was the problem. I was using the BrushedMetal theme. Going back
to the default theme made the problem go away! The file dialog box now
pops up immediately rather than after 10-15 secs. Thank you! :smiley:

Perhaps this important bit of information should be displayed prominently
on the wxPython web site??



On Mon, 29 May 2000, Hugues Talbot wrote:

> The problem is that wxPython is _extremely_ slow.

  Are you using a Gnome/GTK theme, not the default one? Some themes
bring wxGTK to its knees. This looks like a redraw problem.

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