[wxPython] Explorer-alike classes?

I'm wondering if people have any windows-explorer (or any other general file-manager, for that matter) work-alike classes that would be worth generalising and including in wxoo (as the file-property type editors).

I know about wxGenericDirCtrl, and will probably use that as the simple directory-property editor, but I'm looking for something with the "explorer experience", (i.e. the "right-hand window" of windows explorer, the file-list, _combined_ with the directory-explorer):

  1) file-type-based icons (i.e. wxMimeTypesManager)
  2) multiple view types, minimum of large, small, list and report views, preferably also support for "thumbnail" views (though I doubt anyone has that available in a general explorer-type class)
  3) decent performance for large directories (likely require either owner-drawn panels or some tricks to convince a list control to accept on-demand operation for non-report views). Likely require an icon cache as well, to reduce memory overhead.
  4) editing
    a) cut/copy/paste as-seen-in explorer
    b) drag-and-drop
    c) deletion to platform equiv of trash-can
    d) rename files/dirs
    e) create new directories (very useful)
  5) (report-view) sorting
  6) Basic events to report changes (e.g. to support status bars and integration in a range of environments, such as dialogs, grid-editors, and "explorer" mini-apps).

I'm wondering if it might actually be easier to host OS-native versions of the file-manager controls using COM, Bonobo, CORBA, etceteras. Wouldn't have as much control, but might make the whole thing doable versus daunting. For the moment, unless someone does have a set of controls like those described above, I'll just use wxFileDialogs (which on Windows, at least, provide most of the features above, though they don't let you play with the internal layout much (for instance, you can't add a bitmap-preview)).

Ideas appreciated,


   Mike C. Fletcher
   Why, yes, I am looking for a job...