[wxPython] event.GetEventObject() returns string

I'm trying to get the object that caused an event.
I'm storing attributes in the object that I need for processing the

Seems like event.GetEvetObject() is just what is needed.
But it returns a string representation instead of the actual object.
I looked at the SWIG generated code and indeed
_wrap_wxEvent_GetEventObject() calls Py_BuildValue("s",) for the return

Is this a bug or is there a way to turn the string into a proper pointer
to the object instance?

I'm using wxPython version 2.2.1 on Linux
A sippet of code follows.

class testMyApp(wxApp):
    def btnIncrement(self,event):
        print "in btnIncrement"
        print "self=",self
        print "event=",event

        print type(event_obj)
  # I would like to do: event_obj.CallMethod()

    def OnInit(self):
        self.frame = testMyMainFrame(NULL,-1,"VIZ Gui")

        btn1 = wxButton(self.frame, 1010, "increment")
        self.btn1 = btn1
        print "btn1 object=",btn1
        btn1.CallMethod = foo

        EVT_BUTTON(self, 1010, self.btnIncrement)

Thanks for your help.


Ralph Noack
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