wxPython equivalent to GTKSpell?


Is there a wxPython equivalent to GTKSpell?


I did a Google search and found an old post from 2001 about somebody
doing a similar tool:


But it seems like it did not make it?



Günter Dannoritzer wrote:


Is there a wxPython equivalent to GTKSpell?


I did a Google search and found an old post from 2001 about somebody
doing a similar tool:


But it seems like it did not make it?

I don't recall seeing any progress on it, or even any samples, but I could have forgotten.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!

Günter Dannoritzer wrote:


Is there a wxPython equivalent to GTKSpell?


Like you already said, it doesn't exists, but I think that isn't so
difficult to do it. Simple wrap the TextCtrl widget (with wx.TE_RICH
style), bind the onChar (and other char events) and to the spell control
with the python-spell binds. I have seen that there are at least three
or four python bindings of the aspell/ispell libraries.
Can be a good point of start for make, and share of course :), a new wx control!

If you need some advices, we are here!


Michele Petrazzo wrote:

Like you already said, it doesn't exists, but I think that isn't so
difficult to do it. Simple wrap the TextCtrl widget (with wx.TE_RICH
style), bind the onChar (and other char events) and to the spell control
with the python-spell binds. I have seen that there are at least three
or four python bindings of the aspell/ispell libraries.
Can be a good point of start for make, and share of course :), a new wx

Thanks for the information.

I had tried one of the aspell bindings already by itself, but at the
moment won't have enough time to pursue that development to connect it
to a widget. Even though, a scaled down version might be pretty simple.
One idea could be to just highlight spelling mistakes, without the
possibility to get some corrections, that could reduce the effort.

If you need some advices, we are here!




Günter Dannoritzer wrote:

I had tried one of the aspell bindings already by itself,

What of the three/four available?

but at the moment won't have enough time to pursue that development
to connect it to a widget.

As all :slight_smile:

Even though, a scaled down version might be pretty simple. One idea
could be to just highlight spelling mistakes, without the possibility
to get some corrections, that could reduce the effort.

this is the starting point. With only a couple of hours, it'll work.
