Dyin’ with a sizer problem…
2.3.2 on Windows
Here’s my basic structure, indenting showing parenting of windows:
Panel p with vertical box sizer
Panel nav
Panel stat
Panel top, horizontal box sizer
Panel right, vertical box sizer
Panel logo
Panel task
Panel wflow
Panel viewer, grid sizer
The problem I am having is that from time to time I repopulate the
contents of the “task” panel, and I want panel “right” to resize to
take only as much space as it needs so that panel “viewer” will
expand or recede.
The initial layout is all correct and the contents of the panel are
changing correctly, but no matter what I’ve tried I haven’t been able
to make panels “right” and “viewer” adjust to the new contents.
I’ve tried:
Calling Layout() on "right" and "top"
Calling Fit() on everything
Calling Layout() on the outermost frame
Sending a resize event to the outermost frame
Sending a resize event to "top"
Adding "right"'s sizer instead of "right" to "top"'s sizer
Plus a couple hundred other variations.
The code is pretty complex, but if it is necessary I can spend some
time to snip out the relevant pieces. As far as I can tell i’m doing
all the setup of the sizers in the standard way. Any help would be
wildly appreciated. Thanks!
Jeff Kotula Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Vital Images jkotula@vitalimages.com
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