Viviane, the standard answer is:
Get the win32 installer:
And follow the instructions
for creating a stand-alone application. Should work for later versions of
wxPython (there were a few versions where it didn't, as far as I know
everything's compatible again).
I'm thinking this FAQ needs to be addressed "properly" (sorry, I don't have
time to do it myself, I know it's bad form to propose things if you're not
able to do them, but maybe someone has the time):
1) In the wxPython distribution, include a small example using the
win32 installer to create a stand-alone wxPython hello.exe
2) In Boa Constructor, a "create Win32 executable" tool that uses
the win32 installer to create a stand-alone application (preferably using a
GUI wizard to choose target location and the like). (Of course, this should
be platform-checked (and possibly it should even check for the installer as
well), so it only shows up on Win32 platforms, possibly with a Freeze-based
replacement on non-Win32 platforms.) Preferably, make this mechanism fairly
general, so that we can adapt it to Idle and PythonWin as well (I, for
instance, never use Boa Constructor since I always want re-sizable windows
using Sizers).
Why? Well, mostly because it would make it much easier for people to point
to wxPython as "the" way to do stand-alone application development in
Enjoy all,
-----Original Message-----
From: Viviane Beullens []
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 6:24 AM
Subject: [wxPython] Double-clickable application
I think it is possible to make double-clickable,
standalone applications with wxpython.
In the tuts and docs I read till now I didn't find
any instructions about this topic.
Does anyone know how this is done and/or give
a link to a tut where it is documented?
Thanks by advance for any tip,
Viviane Beullens
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