[wxPython] Dotted and Dashed Lines are not printed properly.

Dear wxPython Users,

I am making a small graph program using wxPython. In this program, printing utility is required to print the graph. Therefore, I use the wxPython classes of print.

However, when I print the graph, dotted and dashed lines are not printed properly. They are printed as solid lines. (Width of line is all 1). When I saw the preview of the graph, it shows the proper plot.

Is there anyone to solve this problem?

Sohn, Young-il.

Research Engineer, IAE, Korea

I am making a small graph program using wxPython. In this program,

printing utility is required to print the graph. Therefore, I use the
wxPython classes of print.

However, when I print the graph, dotted and dashed lines are not printed

properly. They are printed as solid lines. (Width of line is all 1). When I
saw the preview of the graph, it shows the proper plot.

Please enter a bug report about this. Be sure to inlcude details such as
platform, version, and etc. Also, a small sample would be helpful.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!