I just downloaded wxPython and friends yesterday to my Linux box, a Win
98 box and a Win 95 box. I typed in an example found in the tutorial,
and it works fine on Linux and Win 98. On the Win 95 box, everything I
try gives me an error (shown below). I searched the archives and found
references to Microsoft's Winsock, which I then installed. Didn't help.
(I don't have any C compilers or other tools on the Windoze boxes. So,
I can't diagnose the problem with other tools.)
Microsoft(R) Windows 95
(C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1996.
Python 1.5.2 (#0, Apr 13 1999, 10:51:12) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
import FE5
Traceback (innermost last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
File "FE5.py", line 1, in ?
from wxPython.wx import *
File "C:\Program Files\Python\wxPython\__init__.py", line 20, in ?
import wxc
ImportError: DLL load failed: A device attached to the system is not
Kevin Cole, Linux Fan | E-mail: kjcole@gri.gallaudet.edu
Gallaudet Research Institute | WWW: http://gri.gallaudet.edu/
Hall Memorial Bldg S-419 | Voice: (202) 651-5135
Washington, D.C. 20002-3695 | FAX: (202) 651-5746
My guess is that its the opengl32.dll that's missing. It used to be a
separate library and was only linked into the glcanvas.pyd, but now it's
part of the main library...
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
> ImportError: DLL load failed: A device attached to the system is not
> functioning.
[... deleted ...]
My guess is that its the opengl32.dll that's missing. It used to be a
separate library and was only linked into the glcanvas.pyd, but now it's
part of the main library...
It turns out I had all of the libraries that you mentioned, but I had
about 12 DIFFERENT flavors of msvcrt.dll's scattered throughout the Lose
95 box. So, I just copied the one with the highest version number to
C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM and that seemed to make the system much happier.
Thanks for pointing me in the right general direction.
On Wed, 26 Apr 2000, Robin Dunn wrote:
Kevin Cole, Linux Fan | E-mail: kjcole@gri.gallaudet.edu
Gallaudet Research Institute | WWW: http://gri.gallaudet.edu/
Hall Memorial Bldg S-419 | Voice: (202) 651-5135
Washington, D.C. 20002-3695 | FAX: (202) 651-5746
> ws2_32.dll
> opengl32.dll
> My guess is that its the opengl32.dll that's missing. It used to be a
> separate library and was only linked into the glcanvas.pyd, but now it's
> part of the main library...
It's not just opengl32.dll that's missing for me, but ws2_32.dll. Does
anyone know where I can get these? Microsoft's website was no help.
Do you get the same error using the interim build? It has delayed loading
turned on for these DLLs so theoretically it shouldn't have to complain
until you actually try to use them. (But then since when has microsoft ever
done anything in a way that makes sense?)
In article <tXthULA7wVD5EwRZ@jessikat.demon.co.uk>, Robin Becker
<robin@jessikat.demon.co.uk> writes
>I also need ws2_32.dll for my win95 system. Any idea where I can down
>load these? Indeed why are these socket things referred to by a widget
I guess I need ws295sdk.exe or do I?
In article <390D6640.A28065ED@darwin.epbi.CWRU.edu>, Geoff Wedig
<wedig@darwin.epbi.cwru.edu> writes
Robin Becker wrote:
In article <tXthULA7wVD5EwRZ@jessikat.demon.co.uk>, Robin Becker
<robin@jessikat.demon.co.uk> writes
>I also need ws2_32.dll for my win95 system. Any idea where I can down
>load these? Indeed why are these socket things referred to by a widget
I guess I need ws295sdk.exe or do I?
Yes. That worked for me.
OK I installed the ws2seup.exe part of the sdk update and found that it
had screwed up the mscvrt which is referred to by mscvirt. A partial
copy back allowed me to get wxPython going, but it screwed up my ISP
access. What bits exactly of the ws2 stuff do I need?
This sort of nonsense makes me hat billy goats even more.
OK I installed the ws2seup.exe part of the sdk update and found that it
had screwed up the mscvrt which is referred to by mscvirt. A partial
copy back allowed me to get wxPython going, but it screwed up my ISP
access. What bits exactly of the ws2 stuff do I need?
This sort of nonsense makes me hat billy goats even more.
Not sure, unfortunately, as mine didn't break. What about your ISP
access got screwed up?
Indeed why are these socket things referred to by a widget
Because wxHtmlWindow can load html pages from a web server. If it wasn't
for this I would compile wxWindows without socket support and we wouldn't
have the problem with win95. On the other hand I think this one feature is
handy enough to require people to upgrade their older systems a bit.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
In article <390D7C1D.1355CC00@darwin.epbi.CWRU.edu>, Geoff Wedig
<wedig@darwin.epbi.cwru.edu> writes
Robin Becker wrote:
OK I installed the ws2seup.exe part of the sdk update and found that it
had screwed up the mscvrt which is referred to by mscvirt. A partial
copy back allowed me to get wxPython going, but it screwed up my ISP
access. What bits exactly of the ws2 stuff do I need?
This sort of nonsense makes me hat billy goats even more.
Not sure, unfortunately, as mine didn't break. What about your ISP
access got screwed up?
It could dial out, but none of the services worked ie pop3, nntp just
In article <002e01bfb388$5255c4a0$3225d2d1@ARES>, Robin Dunn
<robin@alldunn.com> writes
Indeed why are these socket things referred to by a widget
Because wxHtmlWindow can load html pages from a web server. If it wasn't
for this I would compile wxWindows without socket support and we wouldn't
have the problem with win95. On the other hand I think this one feature is
handy enough to require people to upgrade their older systems a bit.
I tried the update and it's dated 1997; my system has been upgraded many
times and it seems the 97 upgrade is incompatible with something if I
just do it blindly.
wxPython loads if I just copy ws2_32.dll and ws2help.dll, but how can I
be sure that it works?
You must have changed something recently as this problem wasn't present
in 2.1.13.
I tried the update and it's dated 1997; my system has been upgraded many
times and it seems the 97 upgrade is incompatible with something if I
just do it blindly.
wxPython loads if I just copy ws2_32.dll and ws2help.dll, but how can I
be sure that it works?
From wxPython's perspective you can check it this way: In the demo select
the wxStyledTextCtrl_1 demo. Go to the first notebook tab, labeled
"wxStyledTextCtrl_1" and click the second "this" link. This will attempt to
load a page from www.scintilla.org.
You must have changed something recently as this problem wasn't present
in 2.1.13.
Yes, I had sockets and server access for wxHtmlWindow disabled previously.
It was reactivated sometime in the series of interim releases I did since
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
In article <01fd01bfb3c2$ebdbc860$3225d2d1@ARES>, Robin Dunn
<robin@alldunn.com> writes
From wxPython's perspective you can check it this way: In the demo select
the wxStyledTextCtrl_1 demo. Go to the first notebook tab, labeled
"wxStyledTextCtrl_1" and click the second "this" link. This will attempt to
load a page from www.scintilla.org.
You must have changed something recently as this problem wasn't present
in 2.1.13.
OK this fails immediately saying that it can't access the url. I guess I
have to use some of the stack parts of the 97 update.