wxPython-demo for debian lenny

Hello wxPython users,

I am new to wxPython and would like to use it on Debian Lenny (testing)
i386. I wanted to start learning from wxPython-demo but could not run
them because:
1. demo is for wxPython but I'm sticked to from
official Debian repositories.
2. in repositories at http://apt.wxwidgets.org/ there is an up-to-date
version of wxPython but only for the Etch.

Is it possible to get an older version of the demos that would run with
Or better, does somebody know how to get wxPython running on
Debian Lenny?
Thank you for any information!


There should be a package called "wx2.8-examples - wxWidgets
Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (examples)", which you can get via
apt-get or aptitude.

Radek Pasiok schrieb:



Dnia 2009-01-04, nie o godzinie 13:15 +0100, Johannes Schönberger pisze:

There should be a package called "wx2.8-examples - wxWidgets
Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (examples)", which you can get via
apt-get or aptitude.

Johannes, thanks a lot!


Radek Pasiok wrote:

Dnia 2009-01-04, nie o godzinie 13:15 +0100, Johannes Schönberger pisze:

There should be a package called "wx2.8-examples - wxWidgets
Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (examples)", which you can get via
apt-get or aptitude.
Johannes, thanks a lot!


There are instructions for getting the latest wxPython for Debian / Ubuntu on the wiki: InstallingOnUbuntuOrDebian - wxPyWiki

As I recall, there's some kind of spat going on between the Debian and wx maintainers which is keeping the latest wx from being in the Debian repositories. At least, that was what the deal was last year.
