[wxPython] Deletion of wxTimer objects

RE: [wxPython] Deletion of wxTimer objects

As soon as I change the id to something non-default

I don’t get the callback invoked anymore.

By the way, I am doing the creation of the timer in

a global function, but passing in the main frame as the

event source, and using a global function as the event

handler. Is this ok?


-----Original Message-----

From: Robin Dunn [mailto:robin@alldunn.com]

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:16 AM

To: wxpython-users@lists.wxwindows.org

Subject: Re: [wxPython] Deletion of wxTimer objects

I’ve tried that approach, but unfortunately I need two

timers running and haven’t figured out how to make both

run at the same time (but with different intervals). I

can only actually get the event handler called if both

timers have an id of -1, and I think when they have the

same id they interfere with each other.

Use different, non-default, IDs.

timer1 = wxTimer(self, ID1)

timer2 = wxTimer(self, ID2)

EVT_TIMER(self, ID1, self.OnTimer1)

EVT_TIMER(self, ID2, self.OnTimer2)

Robin Dunn

Software Craftsman

robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?

http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!

wxpython-users mailing list



As soon as I change the id to something non-default
I don't get the callback invoked anymore.

Drop the attached in your demo directory and give it a try. It works for

By the way, I am doing the creation of the timer in
a global function, but passing in the main frame as the
event source, and using a global function as the event
handler. Is this ok?

It should be. Do you save a reference to your timers?


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org Relax with wxPython!

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