Does anyone know how to write a script to obtain online banking
information ??
I'm a C/C++ programmer and know a little python too. I'm thinking about
Java for this app though it may also be wxpython.
I'm partial to python myself. wxPython looks nice, though its hard to
beat glade+libglade (alonside the python bindings).
I basically want to be able to download (daily) my balances and
transactions from my online banking. I want to put this information in
a database so that I have a permanet database record of all my account
Does anyone know how I would go about doing this ?
You would implement a bot that works the back-end of a web browser.
Do the python or pearl libraries have enough security functionallity to
obtain this information ?
Would I need any specialised information from the Bank (from a
programmers view point. Obviously I need to have my username and password).
What you need to do is find out how your bank's site works.
You will likely need SSL for the sockets, and you might have to do
HTTP AUTH in the interaction (when you connect, does a dialog pop up
and ask for username and password? if so that is HTTP AUTH, if not
then they are just using form submissions). A form submission is just
a fancy URL. You'll want to be able to parse, to some extent, the
HTML page returned so that you can record the interesting data
For python, all the standard modules are listed at
some of the more relevant ones include
You may find some useful stuff in the Vaults of Parnassus,
On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 03:16:57PM +1100, Brendan J Simon wrote:
A)bort, R)etry, D)o it right this time