I'm posting this to this list because the code is Python, not C++. If it is better directed at the other list, please let me know.
I am writing a class which reads print commands from a "printer file". I haven't gotten very far. I'm testing the code using a wxPrintPreview, and I am not able to get the output to scale using SetUserScale(). This is my first attempt at writing printer code.
In fact, I've determined that SetUserScale() is having no effect. There may be other problems with the scaling code, but this is the problem that's preventing me from going further.
If someone could please review this code and let me know what I'm doing wrong, it would be greatly appreciated. I am using Python2.0, the wxPython download for that release, and Window NT 4.
Thank you very much,
- Jake
# This file declares a printout class which reads its instructions
# from a file (or string) of 'printer' commands
from wxPython.wx import *
class jbPrintout(wxPrintout):
def __init__(self, filename = '', title = ''):
wxPrintout.__init__(self, title)
f = open(filename, 'r')
self.commands = f.readlines()
def GetPageInfo(self):
return (1, 1, 1, 1)
def HasPage(self, pageNo):
return pageNo == 1
def mm2ph(self, mm):
mmax = self.GetPageSizeMM()[0]
pmax = self.GetPageSizePixels()[0]
return int(pmax * (1.0 * mm / mmax) + .05)
def mm2pv(self, mm):
mmax = self.GetPageSizeMM()[1]
pmax = self.GetPageSizePixels()[1]
return int(pmax * (1.0 * mm / mmax) + .05)
def SetScale(self, dc):
scalex = 1.0 * dc.GetSize().width / self.GetPageSizePixels()[0]
scaley = 1.0 * dc.GetSize().height / self.GetPageSizePixels()[1]
print scalex, scaley
dc.SetUserScale(scalex, scaley) # Seemingly has no effect
def OnPrintPage(self, pageNo):
assert pageNo == 1
dc = self.GetDC()
self.pos = pos = [0, 0]
for command in self.commands:
command = command.strip()
i = command.find(' ')
if i == -1:
cmds = [command[:i]]
if cmds[0].upper() == 'TEXTL':
s = cmds[1].strip()
dc.DrawText(s, pos[0], pos[1])
pos[0] = dc.GetTextExtent(cmds[1])[0]
return 1
# Test code
class MyApp(wxApp):
def OnInit(self):
printout = jbPrintout('data/printer.txt')
printout2 = jbPrintout('data/printer.txt')
preview = wxPrintPreview(printout, printout2)
frame = wxPreviewFrame(preview, None, "Hello world!")
return true
app = MyApp(0)
The example input file ("data/printer.txt") contains the single line:
TextL Hello World!