[wxPython] converting RGB colour value to string representation

As far as I can tell the wxColourDatabase class has not been implemented in
wxPython. Does anybody know of a good solution to convert RGB values to the
string representation for a specific color? Do I need to implement my own
dictionary of colors?

I'm trying to pass the font color from the wxFontDialog class over to a
TextColour attribute of an OGL shape class. I'm calling the
wxShape.SetTextColour(const wxString& colour, int regionId = 0) method.

Thanks in advance,


wxPython-users mailing list

As far as I can tell the wxColourDatabase class has not been implemented


wxPython. Does anybody know of a good solution to convert RGB values to


string representation for a specific color? Do I need to implement my own
dictionary of colors?

wxColourDatabase is used internally, and from wxPython there are a couple
ways to get at the colours defined in it. There is a function called
wxNamedColour that takes a colour name and returns a wxColour object. There
is also a SWIG typemap that automatically converts strings to wxColours when
passed as a parameter where a wxColour is expected. The string can either
be a colour name, or a "colour spec" matching this form "#RRGGBB"

I'm trying to pass the font color from the wxFontDialog class over to a
TextColour attribute of an OGL shape class. I'm calling the
wxShape.SetTextColour(const wxString& colour, int regionId = 0) method.

So what you need is a way to convert from a wxColour to a colour name
string. I guess I should expose wxTheColourDatabase after all... In the
meantime, the list of colours put into the colourDatabse is below.

[Seems kinda weird that wxShape.SetTextColour doesn't take the colour as a
wxColour, I wonder why...]


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
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    static const struct wxColourDesc
        const wxChar *name;
        int r,g,b;
    wxColourTable[] =
        {wxT("AQUAMARINE"),112, 219, 147},
        {wxT("BLACK"),0, 0, 0},
        {wxT("BLUE"), 0, 0, 255},
        {wxT("BLUE VIOLET"), 159, 95, 159},
        {wxT("BROWN"), 165, 42, 42},
        {wxT("CADET BLUE"), 95, 159, 159},
        {wxT("CORAL"), 255, 127, 0},
        {wxT("CORNFLOWER BLUE"), 66, 66, 111},
        {wxT("CYAN"), 0, 255, 255},
        {wxT("DARK GREY"), 47, 47, 47}, // ?

        {wxT("DARK GREEN"), 47, 79, 47},
        {wxT("DARK OLIVE GREEN"), 79, 79, 47},
        {wxT("DARK ORCHID"), 153, 50, 204},
        {wxT("DARK SLATE BLUE"), 107, 35, 142},
        {wxT("DARK SLATE GREY"), 47, 79, 79},
        {wxT("DARK TURQUOISE"), 112, 147, 219},
        {wxT("DIM GREY"), 84, 84, 84},
        {wxT("FIREBRICK"), 142, 35, 35},
        {wxT("FOREST GREEN"), 35, 142, 35},
        {wxT("GOLD"), 204, 127, 50},
        {wxT("GOLDENROD"), 219, 219, 112},
        {wxT("GREY"), 128, 128, 128},
        {wxT("GREEN"), 0, 255, 0},
        {wxT("GREEN YELLOW"), 147, 219, 112},
        {wxT("INDIAN RED"), 79, 47, 47},
        {wxT("KHAKI"), 159, 159, 95},
        {wxT("LIGHT BLUE"), 191, 216, 216},
        {wxT("LIGHT GREY"), 192, 192, 192},
        {wxT("LIGHT STEEL BLUE"), 143, 143, 188},
        {wxT("LIME GREEN"), 50, 204, 50},
        {wxT("LIGHT MAGENTA"), 255, 0, 255},
        {wxT("MAGENTA"), 255, 0, 255},
        {wxT("MAROON"), 142, 35, 107},
        {wxT("MEDIUM AQUAMARINE"), 50, 204, 153},
        {wxT("MEDIUM GREY"), 100, 100, 100},
        {wxT("MEDIUM BLUE"), 50, 50, 204},
        {wxT("MEDIUM FOREST GREEN"), 107, 142, 35},
        {wxT("MEDIUM GOLDENROD"), 234, 234, 173},
        {wxT("MEDIUM ORCHID"), 147, 112, 219},
        {wxT("MEDIUM SEA GREEN"), 66, 111, 66},
        {wxT("MEDIUM SLATE BLUE"), 127, 0, 255},
        {wxT("MEDIUM SPRING GREEN"), 127, 255, 0},
        {wxT("MEDIUM TURQUOISE"), 112, 219, 219},
        {wxT("MEDIUM VIOLET RED"), 219, 112, 147},
        {wxT("MIDNIGHT BLUE"), 47, 47, 79},
        {wxT("NAVY"), 35, 35, 142},
        {wxT("ORANGE"), 204, 50, 50},
        {wxT("ORANGE RED"), 255, 0, 127},
        {wxT("ORCHID"), 219, 112, 219},
        {wxT("PALE GREEN"), 143, 188, 143},
        {wxT("PINK"), 188, 143, 234},
        {wxT("PLUM"), 234, 173, 234},
        {wxT("PURPLE"), 176, 0, 255},
        {wxT("RED"), 255, 0, 0},
        {wxT("SALMON"), 111, 66, 66},
        {wxT("SEA GREEN"), 35, 142, 107},
        {wxT("SIENNA"), 142, 107, 35},
        {wxT("SKY BLUE"), 50, 153, 204},
        {wxT("SLATE BLUE"), 0, 127, 255},
        {wxT("SPRING GREEN"), 0, 255, 127},
        {wxT("STEEL BLUE"), 35, 107, 142},
        {wxT("TAN"), 219, 147, 112},
        {wxT("THISTLE"), 216, 191, 216},
        {wxT("TURQUOISE"), 173, 234, 234},
        {wxT("VIOLET"), 79, 47, 79},
        {wxT("VIOLET RED"), 204, 50, 153},
        {wxT("WHEAT"), 216, 216, 191},
        {wxT("WHITE"), 255, 255, 255},
        {wxT("YELLOW"), 255, 255, 0},
        {wxT("YELLOW GREEN"), 153, 204, 50},
        {wxT("MEDIUM GOLDENROD"), 234, 234, 173},
        {wxT("MEDIUM FOREST GREEN"), 107, 142, 35},
        {wxT("LIGHT MAGENTA"), 255, 0, 255},
        {wxT("MEDIUM GREY"), 100, 100, 100},

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