unmoderated group comp.soft-sys.wxwindows
Newsgroups line:
comp.soft-sys.wxwindows Discussions related to wxWindows framework.
Votes must be received by 23:59:59 UTC, 12 Feb 2001.
This vote is being conducted by a neutral third party. Questions
about the proposed group should be directed to the proponent.
Proponent: Vadim Zeitlin <>
Votetaker: Dave Cornejo <>
RATIONALE: comp.soft-sys.wxwindows
This group should host the discussions about wxWindows (portable,
free framework for writing GUI and console applications in C++,
Python and Perl for a variety of platforms). wxWindows currently
has a number of very busy mailing lists, creating a newsgroup
should help people to participate in discussions about it without
being overwhelmed by the number of messages.
CHARTER: comp.soft-sys.wxwindows
The comp.soft-sys.wxwindows newsgroup should be used for any
discussions related to wxWindows framework without limitation to any
language (although only C++, Python and Perl are currently supported)
or platform (porting to a currently unsupported platform may be
discussed here).
Examples of correct postings include (but are not limited to) the
following subjects:
- questions related to using wxWindows
- discussion of current or future wxWindows developments
- bug reports and feature requests
Examples of unwelcome postings:
- questions about C or C++ language except when directly related to
support for C++ feature or lack of thereof in wxWindows (e.g.
"Should destructor of the base class be virtual?" is inappropriate
while "How can I use exceptions with wxWindows?" is not).
- platform-specific programming questions unrelated to wxWindows
(specifically questions about Win32 API are unwelcome)
- questions about using wxWindows answered in the FAQ
- long (more than a few lines) patches - they should be submitted
instead to the patch manager at the project Web site
The newsgroup is not moderated. Posting of binaries and
advertisement is not allowed. As an exception, advertisement
is allowed for the announcement of products directly related to
wxWindows (either written for wxWindows or using wxWindows).
Follow these instructions *exactly*! Votes are counted by computer.
You should send E-MAIL (posts to a newsgroup are invalid) to:
Please do not assume that just replying to this message will work.
Check the address before you mail your vote. Your mail message
should contain one and only one of the following vote statements:
I vote YES on comp.soft-sys.wxwindows
I vote NO on comp.soft-sys.wxwindows
Voter name:
If your mail software does not indicate your real name (for example,
AOL does not), include _exactly_ the statement above on a _separate_
line and add your name after the colon. Having your name in your
signature line is NOT enough! Do NOT join the lines together or
remove the words "Voter name"!
You may also vote ABSTAIN (which records an empty vote) or CANCEL
(which removes any earlier votes). ABSTAIN does not affect the final
vote count in any way but is listed, whereas CANCEL is not.
Standard Guidelines for voting apply. One vote per person, one
account per voter. Votes must be mailed directly from the voter to
the votetaker. Anonymous, forwarded or proxy votes are not valid.
Votes mailed by WWW/HTML/CGI forms are considered to be anonymous
votes. Votes from non-existent email addresses are not valid.
Vote counting is automated. Failure to follow these directions may
mean that your vote does not get counted. If you do not receive an
acknowledgment of your vote within three days contact the votetaker
about the problem. It's your responsibility to make sure your vote is
registered correctly. Duplicate votes are resolved in favor of the
most recent valid vote. Addresses, names and votes of all voters will
be published in the final voting results post.
The purpose of a Usenet vote is to determine the genuine interest of
persons who would read a proposed newsgroup. Soliciting votes from
disinterested parties defeats this purpose. Please do not distribute
this CFV. If you must, direct people to the official CFV as posted to
news.announce.newgroups. Distributing pre-marked or otherwise edited
copies of this CFV is generally considered to be vote fraud. When in
doubt, ask the votetaker.
In addition to the groups named in the Newsgroups: header, the CFV
and the eventual RESULT posts will be mailed to these mailing lists:
Mailing list name: wxwindows-devel
Submission address:
Request address (optional):
Mailing list name: wxwindows-users
Submission address:
Request address (optional):
Mailing list name: wxpython-users
Submission address:
Request address (optional):
Voting question & problems: Dave Cornejo <>
Voting address:
wxPython-users mailing list