> Are you looking at doing it in a cross platform way?
Yes, this is why wxWindows is interesting. There can be a single
interface and several platform-dependent implementations... But if
wxWindows does not provide it I'll be sad> If so I don't think you'll find a way
Maybe I'll have to use some if windows and if linux but I don't like
it...> On windows you can use hooks to monitor mouse events for the whole system; its quite low level but is effective.
Do you have pointers to documentation on how to do it with Python ?
Not per sae. But if its useful lookup the book "win32 programming". The example you want is called "wineyes".
You might also find the API you're after on MSDN.microsoft.com. Look up hooks.
From the C example you could write python using win32all.
> On X11... well I wouldn't put any bets on finding a way .. but you never know!
That must be possible, since there are many IM software under X11 !
oh... I don't know anything about IM software. Maybe I'm not answering the right question?
You want to monitor mouse position, no matter which application is active, right? If this is right, look up the source to XEyes. Its a classic unix toy software app that monitors mouse position. I take back what I said before about X11 - Xeyes has been around forever.
ellers@iinet.net.au wrote: