wxPython.button.disabled still catching clicks

Hello! (sorry for
my english)

I have a
problem with buttons in wxPython. When button is disabled

(by .Disable() or .Enable(False)) it is grayed out but still receive


Eg. i have
button that disable itself, runs long action and enable


onClick(self, evt):


for i in range (1000):

    print i


when for loop
is running button is greyed out and when i click on it

nothing happens but when loop ends another one is started because

button “remebered” thad i click on it when was diabled. My only idea

is to reposition button outside frame instead of disabling it but this

solution is…not good.

ps. i solved this
by using subprocess but someone suggested to mail this group for
simplier solution. See also original topic at:
thanks for any help.



mynth wrote:

Hello! (sorry for my english)

I have a problem with buttons in wxPython. When button is disabled
(by .Disable() or .Enable(False)) it is grayed out but still receive

Eg. i have button that disable itself, runs long action and enable

def onClick(self, evt):
    for i in range (1000):
        print i

what about something like this:

    def onClick(self, evt):

    def doOnClick(self):
       do your long running task

You might also want to check the wiki.



what about something like this:

  def onClick(self, evt):

  def doOnClick(self):
     do your long running task

You might also want to check the wiki.

LongRunningTasks - wxPyWiki


It doeasnt work, but i looked at wikipage and found example with
using threads instead of processes and rewrite my script. It work well
now. Thanks for link.