Hello Robin and Chris,
I am very curious about the book, and I promise
to order it as soon as possible
Chris Barker wrote:
From: Robin Dunn <robin@alldunn.com>
We are nearing completion of first drafts of all the main chapters.
There is still some finishing work, cleanup, double checking of
samples, getting final reviews done, applying changes resulting
from the
previous and the final reviews, writing an Apepndix or two, etc.
Please forgive my impatience.
Will it include some tips or possible pitfalls?
Is there a CD-ROM inside the book?
Where would it be available (I'm from Austria; at amazon?)
At Amazon, I found also:
the wxwidget Book from Julian Smart
"Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets"
But I will be released not before June (?)
Would you also recommened buying this too?
Or is to much duplicated stuff there to order all two books.
You aren't writing this as an open-source bok are you?
In any case, I hope you'll use us on this list for review, testing and
I think the publisher has already recruited a few folks from the
wxPython community to be reviewers.
Who could this be?
They didn't make a wide announcment
in order to keep the process managable.
On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 12:14:14 -0800, Robin Dunn <robin@alldunn.com> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
Franz Steinhaeusler