[wxPython] Back to the future, & another silly question :)

Well there are quite a few good sites for bitmap icons. But as you said they are usally like desktop icon size. Your best bet is to get some of those and use one of you image editors supplied by your OS. Just resize the images to about 16X16 - 20X20 both good sizes for toolbars. If you let me know what OS you are using I can tell you the local image editing software and how to work it. Or just send them to me and I will resize them for you.

Tyler Foster


----- Original Message -----

From: Fred Pacquier

Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 5:39 AM

To: wxpython-users@lists.wxwindows.org

Subject: Re: [wxPython] Back to the future, & another silly question :slight_smile:

Robin said :

A real question for a change : does anyone know a place where I
could pilfer a good selection of ready-made bitmaps to build a
toolbar from ?


Thanks. I was thinking specifically of bitmaps tailor-made for classic
toolbars (Windows-style), rather than regular icons which tend to be
a bit large for the job. However, a little searching shows this does not
seem to be a common resource on the Web. Considering my
artistic abilities, I guess my best bet is to dig out Resource Hacker
and go pilfer every toolbar-enabled executable I can find :slight_smile:

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Tyler said :

Well there are quite a few good sites for bitmap icons. But as you said
they are usally like desktop icon size. Your best bet is to get some of those

and use one of you image editors supplied by your OS. Just resize the

images to about 16X16 - 20X20 both good sizes for toolbars. If you let
me know what OS you are using I can tell you the local image editing
software and how to work it. Or just send them to me and I will resize them for

That is a very generous offer, Tyler, thank you. However, when I
was speaking of my (absent) artistic capabilities, I was thinking of
creating proper graphics myself. Fortunalely, just resizing existing
icons is within my reach, and I do have a couple of utilities for that.
Some of the icons on that site you submitted in that other post will do
just fine for that.
Thanks again,