[wxPython] apply and sizers


Here is the code that returns none

def wxObjInit(self, *pos, **args):
  wxObjInit is a object instantiation function that adds the object to
  a data structure is enable the determination of the python class that
  contains a certain wxPython object. The 'name' of the wxPython class
  is used as a key.
  obj = pos[0]
  parent = pos[1]
  id = pos[2]
  self.parent = parent
  #print '"'*79
  #print pos
  #print args

  if len(pos) == 3:
    tag = apply(obj.__init__, (self, parent, id), args)
    #tag = apply(obj, (self, parent, id), args)
  if len(pos) == 4:
    nameStr = pos[3]
    tag = apply(obj.__init__, (self, parent, id, nameStr), args)
    #tag = apply(obj, (self, parent, id, nameStr), args)

  print 'tag',tag, obj


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