[wxPython] applications in wxPython

First, thanks for the replies to my previous query. This list really

But sometimes it seems as though there are only wxPython questions
and apps in development. Where are the finished wxPython
applications? Where is the POP client, the web browser, the... you
name it?

Examples of solid apps would certainly help sell this graphics

(And yes, I am working on one. Someday 'twill be done...)


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Examples of solid apps would certainly help sell this graphics

Well, I wouldn't call it solid as it too is in development. But despite
my best efforts to introduce new bugs on a daily basis it manages to still
be usefull today. GNU Enterprise Forms (gnuef) is a wxPython based data
entry form tool. wxPython provides it's GUI support on *nix and win32 (it
also has a curses front end as well)

A variation of the copy in our CVS is in use for basic data entry/query
needs in a few businesses.

Take Care,
jamest@gnue.org (www.gnue.org)


wxPython-users mailing list

Examples of solid apps would certainly help sell this graphics


A good place to check is sourceforge.net
Do a search, but be sure to look for both wxPython and wxpython.
Their silly search is case sensitive.

(And yes, I am working on one. Someday 'twill be done...)

A lot of us are at the same point, still learning wxPython.
There are quite a few people who use it their businesses
for internal use and don't release the code.


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